Welcome to HTL
are interested in understanding two-phase flow and heat transfer
mechanisms for the safe and reliable design of high-performance thermal
devices. Our research interests include boiling and condensation,
high-heat-flux heat transfer, novel heat exchanger system, thermal
management, electronics cooling, active flow control, and computational
fluid dynamics.
We are looking for highly motivated postdoctoral scholars, graduate
students (M.S., M.S./Ph.D. Combined, Ph.D.)
and undergraduate students. If you are interested in studying in the
heat transfer lab, please feel free to contact Prof. Sung-Min Kim.
Postdoctoral Positions Available
The Heat Transfer Laboratory (http://htl.skku.edu/) has two openings for postdoctoral positions in the areas of two-phase flow, phase change heat transfer, electronics cooling, thermal management, gas turbine cooling, and computational heat transfer.
must hold a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related field.
The positions will remain open until filled. Interested candidates
should submit a research statement and curriculum vitae, including the
names and contact information of three references, to: smkim@skku.edu.
Ongoing Projects:
중견연구(유형2): 절연성 유체의 고열유속 흐름비등 연구 (한국연구재단)
특화연구센터: 무인기용 고효율 터빈기술 (국방과학연구소)
중점연구소: 유동·열관리 나노복합소재 설계 및 특성연구 (한국연구재단)
산업기술 거점센터: 복합소재·부품 동시설계 및 제조기술 (한국산업기술기획평가원)
선박용 드라이브 범용 수냉각 시스템 개발 (한국산업기술기획평가원)
친환경 대용량 연속유수분리기의 균등 유량 분배 배관 설계 및 최적화 (성균관대학교 LINC 3.0)
대면적 고열유속 냉각을 위한 이상유동 멀티채널 히트싱크 연구 (한화시스템)
반도체 장비의 기계부품 내 기포 발생 위치 예측에 관한 연구 (세메스)
친환경자동차 부품개발 전문인력양성사업 (한국산업기술진흥원)
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